Sunday, November 25, 2012


One of my favorite dishes from the gluten-free Thanksgiving I attended this year was a cabbage, onion, and millet kugel made by a gluten-eating friend. He made sure to scrub the holy hell out of his food processor, casserole dish, and prep area so I could safely enjoy the kugel. Now THAT'S something to give thanks for. It was just so darn tasty, I had to make it at home this weekend.

I've been trying to work more whole grains into my diet while avoiding rice (see: arsenic) as much as possible, so I'm psyched to have found this millet dish. It's great with a side of applesauce and topped with sour cream. It's actually from the "recipes for health" section of the NYT and so relatively low in calories and fat - especially when compared to a traditional noodle kugel, Enjoy!

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