Monday, December 5, 2011

Care to Meetup?

If you're GF and spend any time in NYC, I have to recommend that you join at least one - preferably all! - of our fair city's gluten-free Meetup groups:

Brooklyn Gluten-Free Meetup
New York City Celiac Disease Meetup

Even if you don't plan to attend an event, the Meetups are a great way to find out about GF-friendly eateries in NYC, as well as product info and GF news. I actually joined the NYC Celiac Disease Meetup when I was still living in upstate New York. When newly diagnosed, I didn't have any GF friends and the internet was my only source of good GF info. Living gluten-free can be tough; it's nice to feel like part of a community of people who understand.

But if you're in the area, please consider attending an event. Between all the groups, there are currently 8 upcoming events. (EIGHT gluten-free events! How wonderful is that?!) Seem like an odd thing to do, i.e. meeting up with strangers for drinks or dinner? I thought so too at first. Never considered myself a "joiner", but the Meetup folks quickly changed that. The people are really friendly and especially helpful to GF newbies. We've all been there and want to help make the transition easier. A few years in, I can now say that my best GF info has come from Meetup events. You can read blogs (ahem) and websites, but first person accounts of eateries and products are especially helpful.

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